List of active policies
Name | Type | User consent |
LMS Letter of Understanding | Site policy | All users |
CNC’s learning management system (LMS) includes Moodle, Big Blue
Button, Office 365, and more. By using this website, you are confirming
that you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions.
Full policy
CNC’s learning management system (LMS) includes Moodle, Big Blue Button, Office 365, and more. By using this website, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions.
Materials on CNC’s LMS are subject to the Copyright Act, Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. This includes identifying the source of information and prohibiting the reproduction of materials without written permission.
Data Storage
CNC abides by all provincial privacy laws including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) and the Personal Information International Disclosure Act (PIIPDA).
Authorized CNC staff have access to your course site to provide technical support and to assist in the administration and smooth functioning of CNC’s LMS. All information gathered in Moodle will be kept confidential.
Your class sessions and other learning activities may be recorded by your instructor for use within your online course site. Your instructor will provide advanced warning before beginning the recording and will inform you of any additional use of these recordings. Recordings will not be distributed outside of the CNC’s LMS.
Terms of Use for Students
- You will not record any class activities including discussion or lecture without securing the permission of the course instructor.
- You will not upload course material to any external websites or share with others, unless permitted to do so by the instructor. If you require further clarification about using materials from this course in other contexts, please contact the instructor.
- Only students registered in this CNC Moodle course site are permitted to view, download, upload, comment or otherwise participate in this course site.
- You will not provide anyone not registered in this course with access to the CNC Moodle course site established for the course.
- You will not divulge or share your CNC password with anyone.
entering this website, you agree to:
1. Abide by the CNC’s Regulations
Governing Computer Use
2. Maintain Academic
3. All of the terms and conditions above.